
Why does my baby seem so RESTLESS while sleeping!?

As parents, it’s natural to feel a mix of concern and confusion when you observe your baby’s seemingly restless sleep. Tiny fists flailing, legs kicking, whimpering or even crying in the night—all while they are supposedly asleep. It’s a common sight that can be both endearing and worrisome. However, there’s good news: this restless sleep is not only normal but also a crucial part of your baby’s development. The primary reason behind this phenomenon is the significant amount of time babies spend in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) or active sleep.

What is REM Sleep?

REM sleep is a unique phase of the sleep cycle characterized by rapid eye movements, increased brain activity, and vivid dreaming. 

For babies 3 Months or older REM sleep comprises about 20-25% of the total sleep cycle, but for newborns, it can be as much as 50%!!

Babies spend MORE and MORE time in REM sleep as the night progresses which is why your baby is more RESTLESS in the second half of the night. 

MORE REM = More vulnerability to a full awakening = More potential assistance or more wakings

Why Do Babies Spend So Much Time in REM Sleep?


      1. Brain Development: The infant brain is undergoing rapid development. REM sleep is thought to play a critical role in brain maturation and cognitive development. During this stage, the brain is busy processing and consolidating information gathered while awake, which is crucial for learning and memory formation.

      1. Emotional Regulation: REM sleep helps in the development of emotional regulation. The movements and expressions you see during this phase are part of how babies process and express their emotions even while asleep.

      1. Sensory Processing: Babies are constantly bombarded with new sensory experiences. REM sleep allows the brain to make sense of these new stimuli, integrating them into the growing neural network.

      1. Self-Soothing: Some of these movements may be attempts at self-soothing. Over time, as babies learn to self-regulate, you may notice fewer movements.

    How to Ensure Restful Sleep for Your Baby

    While you can’t (and shouldn’t) eliminate REM sleep, there are ways to create an environment that promotes better sleep for your baby:


        • Establish a Routine: Consistent bedtime routines help signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep, promoting a smoother transition into sleep.

        • Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Ensure that the sleeping area is safe, quiet, and dark. White noise machines can help mask household sounds that might disturb sleep.

        • Scheduling: When a baby is overtired or lacking sleep that their body needs they will spend even more time in light or REM sleep making it seem even less restful. Ensuring your child is on a schedule working for their body is an important part of the puzzle.

        • Do NOT rush: REM sleep can last 10 – 15 minutes and it is okay to wait and give your baby or child time to cycle between sleep cycles! Sometimes if we jump in to quickly we may end up actually disrupting them in the the light stages of sleep and wake them up fully 

      Understanding the nature of REM sleep and its importance can help alleviate concerns about your baby’s restless sleep. It’s a sign that their brain is developing, processing, and growing in incredible ways. 

      If you need help with reducing the wakings, I am HERE to help – Reach out through my Website for Sleep Support

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