
Welcome to Motherhood


You did it! After ten long months of waiting, your little one has finally arrived. I remember feeling so in love but also so overwhelmed… Welcome to motherhood. Motherhood is incredible and I never forget how truly blessed I am to have been given this gift of a healthy baby but it can also be really damn hard especially in those first couple of weeks bringing your newborn home. Your body is sore from birthing, your breasts and nipples are unlike you’ve ever seen them, those hormones are all over the place and now you are expected to mother this new life you have created. This can be exciting and scary all at the same time. So to help with a smooth transition these are my top five Mama Coach tips for the new mama:


1) Prepare freezer meals ahead of time or start a meal train with friends and family. Cooking is not a priority at this time in life, so unless you want to be sending your partner out for fast food 6 days a week, prepare some healthy meals to pull out and pop in the oven or crock-pot. You will be so thankful you organized this beforehand! You can also check out this amazing resource www.mealbaby.com. It is a website that allows families to create an account so friends and family can see when you might need a hot meal!


2) Spend time skin to skin and cuddling with your newborn. Skin to skin has been proven to enhance bonding, reduce the time your newborn cries and help with milk supply. Your little peanut will only be this little for a short period of time so try and forget about laundry, dishes or getting household tasks done, just enjoy this sweet time with your baby


3) Buy some really comfortable pajamas and lounge wear preferably something with an easy to open top so you can easily breastfeed or do skin to skin. I lived in a nursing tank and comfy pajama pants for the first couple weeks postpartum but I wish I had this amazing breastfeeding sleep shirt from Daisypops (pictured below)! These breastfeeding shirts are a perfect option for the postpartum period allowing close access for little ones to breastfeed and to be skin to skin! Not only are they functional but they are super cute as well! Head to the website for a closer look www.daisypops.ca and stay tuned for a special giveaway next week!

“It won’t be all rainbows and butterflies and I think it’s okay to admit that. As a Mama Coach I want to support you in this transition, no judgement, no guilt, we are all just trying to create loving and kind children. “


4) Invest in a comfortable, soft and stretchy baby carrier or wrap. This is almost essential if you have other children running around the house. Newborns loved to be wrapped up tight on mom or dad and you can be hands free. It can also be helpful if your baby has reflux and struggles to be put down after feeds.


5) Take care of yourself. This is SO essential, it is easy to lose track of the last time you ate, or drank or slept but you have to be mindful. It is nearly impossible to pour from an empty cup, your baby needs you and that starts with taking care of yourself. If you have friends or family asking for help take them up on their offers and don’t be afraid to ask for a meal or for someone to fold your laundry! This also includes asking visitors to leave when you are tired, nobody should be insulted when a new mom asks them to leave because they want to take a nap!

Somewhere in among sleeping, eating, feeding, and googling the random noise your baby just made you will figure this gig out. I believe that Mama knows best. Be confident, trust your instincts, you know more than you think you do. It won’t be all rainbows and butterflies and I think it’s okay to admit that. As a Mama Coach I want to support you in this transition, no judgement, no guilt, we are all just trying to create loving and kind children.

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