
3 Reasons Why Your Baby won’t Sleep (and How to Help!)

Why Does My Baby Have Trouble Falling Asleep?

As a parent, it can be incredibly frustrating and worrisome when your baby has trouble falling asleep! I know that many parents can’t quite seem to understand that even a child who is TIRED will in fact resist falling asleep. It seems natural to us – If we are tired, we want to rest…. So why do babies and toddlers have such a hard time!

Understanding the underlying reasons behind this challenge is crucial for finding effective solutions. Let, explore three common reasons why babies struggle to fall asleep: sleep pressure, improper timing, and temperament, and provide tips on how to help your baby sleep better.


1. Sleep Pressure: Sleep pressure, or the body’s need for sleep, builds up the longer a baby stays awake. There is a fine balance between finding enough sleep pressure for your baby to be TIRED enough to fall asleep without pushing things over into the deep end of being overtired. 

One of the most common things I see is a little SNEAK NAP that decreases sleep pressure – Your baby briefly relaxed or fell asleep for a minute or two in the stroller, car or while feeding and then when we try and put them down for a nap they resist sleep!! These micro naps, decrease sleep pressure and decrease sleep drive making it challenging to fall asleep. Even that 1 minute doze while feeding can cause a challenge for some babies. 

On the other end being overtired can make it difficult for them to fall asleep as they catch a second wind! When a baby is overtired, their bodies produce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can make it harder to settle down and sleep.

It can be ideal to learn to pay attention to your baby’s sleep cues such as rubbing their eyes, yawning, or becoming fussy. Ensure they have appropriate wake windows for their age. For instance, a newborn might need to sleep every 60 to 90 minutes, while a six-month-old can stay awake for 2 to 3 hours between naps. Wake times are variable from one baby to the next and it may take some time to narrow down what actually works for your baby! 

2. Improper Timing: Babies thrive on consistency and routine. If your baby’s sleep schedule is irregular, it can disrupt their internal body clock, making it difficult for them to fall asleep. Consistent bedtime and naptime routines help signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep.

Establish a calming bedtime routine that includes activities like a warm bath, gentle rocking, or reading a book. Keep the environment conducive to sleep by dimming the lights and reducing noise levels. Consistency is key, so try to stick to a consistent sleep routine daily. 

3. Temperament: Every baby is unique, and their temperament can significantly influence their sleep patterns. Some babies are naturally more alert and sensitive to their environment, which can make falling asleep more challenging. These babies might need extra help to wind down before sleep.

Understanding your baby’s temperament can help you tailor your approach. For instance, if your baby is easily stimulated, ensure their sleep environment is calm and free from distractions.

How to Help Your Baby Fall Asleep:

  1. Create a Consistent Sleep Routine: Establishing a predictable pre-sleep routine can help signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep. Activities like a warm bath, gentle rocking, or reading a quiet story can be soothing.
  2. Optimize the Sleep Environment: Ensure the sleep space is dark, quiet, and cool. Using white noise can help mask household sounds that might wake your baby.
  3. Monitor Wake Windows: Pay attention to your baby’s wake windows to prevent overtiredness. Adjust their sleep schedule as needed to ensure they are going to bed at the right time.
  4. Stay Calm and Patient: Babies can sense stress and frustration. Stay calm and patient as you help your baby settle down to calm. Gentle reassurance and a consistent approach will pay off over time.

If your baby is resisting sleep and it is taking longer than 20 – 30 minutes it is a good idea to take a little break ro reset your body as well as theirs! Just like adults if we spend so long trying to make sleep come we can actually inadvertently make it harder. If sleep feels very hard, take a break, stop trying, do something different to 10  – 15 minutes and then you can come back to try again! 

If you are feeling like every sleep time is a battle please reach out to set up a consult together, I can help with creating a better routine and stress free bedtime (and nap times…) for your family! 

Book a Consult today!

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